SYLH - Presidents Report - June 2019

I refer readers to earlier reports which may have been read by many of you as they were produced for publication in the TBA Newsletter and the Southern Beekeepers Bee News. They cover the periods up to January 2019 and up to May 2019. Since May 2019 after receiving advice from the Government offering to fund both an emergency feeding program (to help bees survive the Winter), and also to carry out a survey of beekeepers to establish the extent of infrastructure damage which precludes access to the leatherwood resource the TBA appointed a 3 man committee to work with the relevant Government Department, DPIPWE, and assist the drawing of documents for the Department`s use.

This is to assess priorities for using Government funding for repairs/construction.

The documentation consists of :

-application for sugar subsidy to assist with the wintering of bees

-questionnaire for beekeepers to complete advising the details of infrastructure requiring repair or replacement.  

The TBA committee was instrumental in drawing the content of these documents and DPIPWE is now arranging the mail out of these to registered beekeepers if they have not already occurred.

We have commenced the analysis of Sustainable Timber Tasmania`s (STT) 3 year plan so as to locate those coupes which may affect beekeeping sites. One of the first examined was TN 005D on the Florentine Road , which revealed that significant leatherwood was contained in the coupe. The Forest Practises Plan (FPP) was endorsed “no special management prescriptions required” in relation to flora. This is not in compliance with either the latest Planning Guidelines or the previous ones.

STT have now reassessed this coupe in accordance with the new Planning Guidelines. We, and the affected beekeepers will be inspecting the coupe and the amended FPP when the reassessment is published. To continue this level of inspection we rely on the relevant beekeepers observing and reporting on the location of any coupes containing leatherwood which are being prepared for wood harvesting. We are hopeful that with that information and from our inspection of the 3 year plans, all current coupes and those planned for the future will be either amended or drawn to comply with the new Planning Guidelines.

We have asked the relevant beekeepers to help us by inspecting the 3 year plans at my home 34 Anfield Street, Glenorchy and sharing their view of the coupes shown on the plans.

FINALLY – Our Secretary Eric Cave has been a reliable and willing support during his many years of voluntary service and has decided not to stand again for the position. I have been particularly grateful for his support and help without which our Association could not have operated as efficiently as it has. At this AGM we are hoping to fill the vacancy. Eric has advised me that the secretary duties are not onerous and consist of -Maintenance of a members mailing list - sending membership renewals combined with the notice of the Annual General Meeting (AGM) - as Public Officer completing the annual Government Return to the Department of Corporate Affairs following on from the AGM -arranging the labels for any mail out - assisting with any mail out during the year.

Your President and Treasurer attend to the following up the membership renewals and then inform the secretary as this progresses. The mail outs are usually put together and mailed by the president and Treasurer with help from the Secretary if possible, once the treasurer has issued the receipts.

I look forward to our members attending the AGM which will be at the Glenorchy library on the 28th October starting at 6pm.  

Bob Davey (President).

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